I just saw this request yesterday from my 'How To Draw Deadpool' artcle.
My email isn't wired to receive notifications so I didn't know there were requests to do other characters. Gonna fix that one now.
The poster wishes for a 'How to Draw The Punisher' tutorial. Here goes:

1.) First off, we'll start with the head. Make an oval and that familiar cross, which marks the center of the face and where the eyes, nose and ears will fall.

2.) Now draw 2 parallel horizontal lines just below the oval. the upper line will mark the shoulder blades and the lower line the chest. Now draw a horiszontal line continuing the one from the oval. This will mark the center of the body. If you're character is at an angle, you'll need to curve this a little depending which way he is looking.
3.) Now draw 2 vertical lines and horizontal lines that will box the torso. The horizontal line will be the belt area.
4.) Draw the belt area and a triangle for the groin.
5.) Now draw the thighs and knees. Any slightly curved vertical lanes that taper off at the knee. 2 circles for the knees.
6.) More vertical for the shin. Mark it with 2 parallel horizontal lines that angles inward. This will be the ankles.
7.) Add the feet. Note: The best way to learn how to draw hands and feet is to just keep drawing them. Eventually it will be ingrained in you. At first you could use your own hands and feet as model or copy from magazines and comic pages. Don't be frustrated. It really takes a long time to get these right.
8.) Draw 2 circles for the shoulder.
9.) Now draw the rest of the arm. Same technique, with lines and circles.
10.) Now let's draw the placeholder for the gun. Any rectangular bar will do.
12.) Now let's add more details. On the face are mark the location for the eyes nose and ears.
13.) Now , make another curve just a couple of spaces over the top of the oval. This will be the hair area. Also, draw the hairline.
14.) Add the neck and really define the shoulder blades by drawing it an angle. Also draw the trapezius muscles of the neck.
15.) Also define the chest area. Make it rounder and muscular.
16.) Now for the abs. Draw an arch and 3 lines.
17.) Now enclose it. We can really see our character shaping up.
18.) This is it, now we can really define out character to look line the Punisher. First, draw The Punisher's hair
19.) Add details to the face.
20.) Add some lines to the fore head to 'age' the character.
21.) Add details to the arms. Just a couple of curve lines for the major muscles. If you want to dig deeper you can use anatomy books or Burne Hogarth's excellent series and learn how each muscle looks like and how they work together. But for now, this is ok for beginners.
22.) Define the legs. Just reference from some comic books for now.
23.) Now for the costume details. Just add that old skull and belt pouches. Some lines to mark the glove and boots and you're almost done. Also add details where it is needed. The neck, rib cages, creases on clothing.
23.) Now complete the hand and the pistol. This is a deep subject, I won't get into it. Just keep practicing 'til you make it decent. I haven't perfected it myself. For now, just copy my lines.
24.) Now you got a basic Punisher! Add some more details, shadings, and tones if you're not satisfied. You might decide to ink and color you piece, that's good too!
25.) In closing, the key to getting better results is just "practice! practice! practice!". I know you've heard this all before from just about any comic book professional since the beginning of time. It's true. Also don't forget to have fun and don't take things too seriously. It's ok to make mistakes and it's ok to 'swipe'. You're just beginning, the work you're doing now is just practice. The demand would be different once you go pro.
I think the best way to really learn is just go out there and make comic books. One good avenue is a webcomic. Just create an account from sites like drunkduck and throw you're hat into the ring. A weekly webcomic will force you to draw on a weekly basis. You can see marked improvements once you produce regularly. Feedback and encouragment from the readers is also good. You will try your best once you know there is an audience.
So, good luck and just keep on drawing!
I'd also like to see how everyone did with the Punisher drawing. Drop me a link or email me at rockemsockemcomics@yahoo.com. If you have questions or requests, don't hesitate to ask.
This is great! Thank you. Time to grab the pencil and give it a go :-)
ReplyDeleteThis is a pretty good step by step.
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome thank you so much for posting this