Sunday, October 17, 2010

Making a Cover Part 2

I told you I draw in a non-liner way. Pencil an object then proceed to inking it.

On part 1 I finished pencilling and inking Star Strong then stopped. I've felt I used up my creative energies and was done.

And now, using the same method I added the other characters one by one, pencilling and inking one at a time.

I think I have all sorts of energy cause I finished them all lol

On part 3, I'll erase the pencils and scan the image. Do some retouches and fill in the blacks in Photoshop, then post here finished inked product.

'Til then!


1 comment:

  1. Wow!!
    Joey, you REALLY stepped up your inking on the cover! Great detail and muscularity and form on the figures.
